
Study Participant Recruitment Support

Obtain customized recruitment and retention strategies that fit your study’s needs, timeline, and budget

University of Southern California (USC)
Goal: Study Startup and Operations
Phase: Design A Study
Phase: Set Up A Study
Phase: Conduct A Study

Service description

Obtain customized recruitment and retention strategies that fit your study’s needs, timeline, and budget. Proposed strategies may involve using traditional methods (flyers, TV, radio), and innovative tools such as online advertising, social media, and use of Trial Promoter. Trial Promoter allows for the automated generation, distribution, and assessment of recruitment messages across different social media types. You can learn more about the Trial Promoter service package here

Other services include strategies to engage special populations in research, in-house design of advertising materials, creation of targeted social media posts for your study, assistance with template language for IRB applications, and hands-on training for study’s social media manager(s).

Benefit for users

Receive outreach and communication strategies that are tailored to your study, and will help you recruit and retain participants more easily. 

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Tooltip: Clinical Trial Management System (CTMS)

USC’s Clinical Trial Management System, OnCore, is a jointly sponsored, web-based software system for managing clinical trials.

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Handbook On Uses of Digital and Traditional Media to Recruit Study Participants

Techniques to connect with study populations in all communities.

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COVID-19 Recruitment and Operations Guide

This guide provides key considerations for ensuring diversity in clinical research, how to engage participants better using technology, as well as operational tips for doing research efficiently.

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NIH Funding Acknowledgment: Important - All publications resulting from the utilization of SC CTSI resources are required to credit the SC CTSI grant by including the NIH funding acknowledgment and must comply with the NIH Public Access Policy.