OVERVIEW: The Clinical Research Informatics (CRI) group in the SC CTSI holds regular workshops to educate, train and empower researchers to utilize informatics resources to assist with study feasibility, participant recruitment, and to collaborate with other sites within a network of academic medical centers.
GOALS: Increase the informatics knowledge and skills of our clinical and translational workforce.
CURRENT STATUS: CRI trains users during one-on-one workshops and larger training sessions designed to teach users how to navigate informatics tools, build queries, and export data. As of summer 2021, they hold REDCap Snapshot Series, a monthly REDCap series dedicated to teaching specific aspects of the REDCap application. Previous topics have included eConsent, MyCap, and survey distribution. Attendees must have a basic understanding of REDCap to attend these workshops. If you are a beginner-level user, please contact BERD for information on their REDCap workshop offerings.
If you would like to stay updated on the latest workshops, please sign up for the SC CTSI email listserv here.