In 2021 the SC CTSI launched a program to promote successful execution of clinical research studies. The program combines an established quality framework called Quality by Design (QbD) with team building and project management to help research teams anticipate risks to their study and successfully reach their milestones.
SC CTSI provides intensive QbD support to our pilot awardees and career development scholars, whose study designs range from clinical trials to health services research. The program is available to other research teams through consultation and self-service resources such as templates and example documents. Please see the Toolkit linked below for all the information.
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QbD Education
Workshops and consultations offer the broader USC and CHLA community a chance to learn Quality by Design principles and incorporate the framework into their research. A full-day Regulatory Science symposium introduced QbD to over 100 clinical research professionals. Stay tuned for more QbD training opportunities.