Denise De Los Santos

Denise De Los Santos, BA

Patient Recruitment and Navigation Specialist


Working within the Clinical Research Support Core, Denise leads recruitment initiatives that support investigators at USC and CHLA for recruiting and retaining research participants. As a Navigator, Denise provides consultation and guidance to Investigators, offering personalized assistance in navigating our institutions infrastructure.

Contact Information
(323) 442-0314

Professional Background

Denise received her bachelor's degree from Humboldt State University. She majored in Anthropology with an emphasis in Biology. Denise has 4 years of experience working on industry funded clinical trials as a research coordinator. Her expertise ranges from different therapeutic areas such as Infectious Disease, Diabetes, Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Movement Disorders. For the past two years Denise has worked as a regulatory coordinator in the Neurology Department, Movement Disorders Division. This experience has broadened her working knowledge of industry and non-industry funded studies here at USC.


For over 19 years, Denise has been a volunteer cheerleading coach. When she is not coaching, you can find her volunteering at her city's local retirement center. Denise also enjoys spending time with her partner, dog and family.

NIH Funding Acknowledgment: Important - All publications resulting from the utilization of SC CTSI resources are required to credit the SC CTSI grant by including the NIH funding acknowledgment and must comply with the NIH Public Access Policy.