Elizabeth Zelinski, PhD
KL Grant Advisor, Workforce Development
At SC CTSI, Dr. Elizabeth Zelinski is the F-series and K-series fellowship proposal consultant. Her many years of as NIH reviewer for F- and K-series grants enables her to review and critique Mentored Career Development in Clinical and Translational Science (MCD-CTS/KL2) Scholars and other K-series grant (i.e., K08, K23, K99/R01) submissions prior to NIH submission. Also, she participates as a reviewer for SC CTSI mock reviews.
Contact Information
Professional Background
Dr. Zelinski is the Rita and Edward Polusky Chair in Education and Aging as well as Professor of Gerontology and Psychology at the USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology. Dr. Zelinski has joint appointments in the Psychology Department, and the Study of Women and Men in Society (SWMS) Programs. Dr. Zelinski is the principal investigator of the Long Beach Longitudinal Study. This study evaluates cognition, memory and language comprehension in older adults as well as the relationship between peoples’ perceptions of their memory ability and their actual performance, and how these change as people grow old. Her other research interests have an interdisciplinary focus, with USC gerontology collaborations with sociologists and epidemiologists, USC psychology and Viterbi engineering faculty, as well as faculty in the Institute for Creative Technologies. She is currently the co-mentor of the recipient of a K99/R00 fellowship from the National Institute on Aging.
Prior to coming to USC gerontology, she graduated summa cum laude from Pace University and received her graduate degrees in psychology, with a specialization in aging, from the University of Southern California. She was a F32 postdoctoral fellow at Claremont Graduate University.
Classic rock (and attendance at concerts of elderly rockers like Eric Clapton), bread making, cooking, gardening, and recently, raising chickens.