Mayla Boguslav

Mayla R. Boguslav, PhD

Research Associate in the Research Development core


Mayla's role focuses on studying and implementing the science of team science within SC CTSI. Her goal is to help SC CTSI clients collaborate better to generate new research ideas and accelerate science. She will be working with researchers supported through team science workshops, team building vouchers, and the multidisciplinary pilot program. One focus will be on evaluation with respect to the impact of SC CTSI team science initiatives on research teams.

Contact Information

Professional Background

Mayla received her PhD in computational biosciences with a focus in natural language processing and the philosophy of science from University of Colorado Anschutz Medical campus. She just completed a postdoctoral fellowship in Mathematics at Colorado State University working with the Data Science Research Institute and teaching mathematical modeling. Her research focuses on helping people find research questions and ways to collaborate across disciplines.

She recently received the AMIA 2023 Edward H. Shortliffe Doctoral Dissertation Award and will be giving a keynote at the Bio-Ontologies special interest group at the 2024 Conference on Intelligent Systems For Molecular Biology.


Being outside: biking, hiking, skiing, camping, backpacking. Also dancing, fostering dogs, traveling.

NIH Funding Acknowledgment: Important - All publications resulting from the utilization of SC CTSI resources are required to credit the SC CTSI grant by including the NIH funding acknowledgment and must comply with the NIH Public Access Policy.