Sherette Flowers, RN, NP, MSN
Research Nurse, Clinical Trials Unit
As one of the clinical staff, Sherette provides direct patient care for participants on numerous research studies and performs research subject evaluations, administers investigational medications as well as collecting study data per protocol. She monitors for and manages any adverse events to study procedures or treatments. Sherette periodically reviews protocols for future research studies.
Contact Information
Professional Background
Sherette is Research Staff Nurse on the Clinical Trials Unit at Norris Comprehensive Cancer Hospital. After completing her Bachelors degree in Health Science in 1998, she received her nursing degree in 2003 through independent study from Excelsior College in Albany, NY. Sherette then decided to further her education in 2007 by pursuing her Masters degree in Nursing at California State University, Long Beach. Outside of her role at USC, she works as an Advance Practice Nurse in Women’s Health and Hospice care.
Travel, Dance, Music, Event planning and decorating, several church ministries/activities, International Missionary work.