Vanessa Ramos

Vanessa Ramos, MPH



Through this internship, Vanessa closely works with the BERD team, shadowing members as they engage in various research projects from the university's faculty. She has assisted the team in delivering BERD services such as study planning, conducting exploratory data analysis, statistical design, and analysis, as well as the interpretation and presentation of results. This hands-on experience has allowed her to refine her biostatistical and programming skills and gain valuable insights into effective collaboration and communication within a research setting.

Contact Information

Professional Background

This year Vanessa graduated with my Masters in Public Health with a concentration in Biostatistics and Epidemiology at USC. Previously, she obtained a B.S. in Biology at UCLA. In her previous role as a Biostatistics Intern within the Division of HIV and STD Programs at the Department of Public Health, she conducted data merging, wrangling, cleaning, and analysis using SAS to evaluate a provider detailing intervention. In this role, she also investigated the relationship between HIV risk factors and PrEP awareness through complex modeling and created reports and presentations that enhanced transparency and collaboration among LA County staff and collaborators.


I enjoy playing tennis, solving puzzles, hiking, reading fiction novels, and playing with my 2 dogs

NIH Funding Acknowledgment: Important - All publications resulting from the utilization of SC CTSI resources are required to credit the SC CTSI grant by including the NIH funding acknowledgment and must comply with the NIH Public Access Policy.