Career Development Seminar Series: NIH Loan Repayment Programs: The Why and the How
Online Event
This 90 minute session covers the process of applying for an NIH Loan Repayment Award in a brief didactic. A panel of recent award recipients from Keck and CHLA with then discuss their experiences applying.
Event Details
This 90 minute session covers the process of applying for an NIH Loan Repayment Award in a brief didactic. A panel of recent award recipients from Keck and CHLA with then discuss their experiences applying. We will end with a quick workshop on writing the award, with a focus on editing an existing career development award proposal (KL2, K08, K23) as a backbone for an LRP proposal.
<a href="https://profiles.sc-ctsi.org/elizabeth.burner">Elizabeth Burner</a>, MD MPH MS, FACEPAssociate Professor of Clinical Emergency Medicine, Research Division Faculty Instructor, SC CTSI Workforce Development