Translating Research to Practice in Diverse Urban Populations
Norris Research Tower, LG 503/4
This free short course will help prepare you to carry out clinical and translational research in populations characterized by diversity in race, ethnicity, country of origin, and socioeconomic status. You will learn how to tackle challenges that may arise in working with these populations, particularly in Los Angeles.
Event Details
About this course: This free short course will help prepare you to carry out clinical and translational research in populations characterized by diversity in race, ethnicity, country of origin, and socioeconomic status. You will learn how to tackle challenges that may arise in working with these populations, particularly in Los Angeles.
Learning Objectives: At the end of the course, participants should be able to:
To recognize the role of culture in research with urban populations. To recognize the need to collaborate with multiple disciplines.
To understand how to approach, engage, and give feedback to communities.
To frame research in urban populations in culturally appropriate ways.
To recognize and address special ethics issues that arise in research in diverse populations.
To identify measurement issues.Facilitators | Expert Panelists:
Cecilia M. Patino-Sutton, MD, MEd, PhD: Associate Professor, Preventive MedicineLourdes Baezconde-Garbanati, PhD, MPH: Professor, Associate Dean for Community InitiativesLawrence Palinkas, PhD: Professor, Chair, Department of Children, Youth and Families, Social WorkTess Boley Cruz, PhD, MPH, CHES: Assistant Professor, Preventive MedicineRicky Bluthenthal, PhD: Professor, Preventive MedicineAshwini Lakshmanan, MD, MPH: Assistant Professor. Pediatrics, CHLAJoyce Javier, MD, MPH, MS: Assistant Professor, Pediatrics, CHLA