The SC CTSI team is available to assist investigators in development of multi-disciplinary research teams to tackle complex scientific questions and clinical challenges. This service may include but is not limited to finding research collaborators or partners at USC and within the community, facilitating brainstorming meetings to set collaboration goals and/or establish research aims, provide guidance regarding funding sources, aid in development of a communication plan and provide training in team science practice
Building A Multidisciplinary Research Team
Helping investigators develop multi-disciplinary research teams to tackle complex scientific questions and clinical challenges.
Service description
Benefits for users
The customized strategy is based on your research goals and interests and a built-in self-evaluation process will ensure that the investigative group start on the right track.
Our range of services is completely free of charge and can continue until your research team is ready to apply for extramural funding. In instances when more ongoing administrative assistance is needed to secure or to manage a program project or center grant, we can work with your team to establish a continuing relationship and, if necessary, a percentage effort commitment to the grant if continued administrative support is needed.