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Am I conducting Human Subjects Research? decision tree
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Activities require IRB review if they meet the federal definitions of research with human subjects as defined by the Office for Human Research Protections or clinical investigations with human subjects as defined by the FDA.

Do I need to submit to the IRB? decision tree
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Even if a clinical investigation is IND exempt, it may still be subject to other FDA Regulations involving human subject protections, conflict of interest, and IRB requirements.

Do I need to submit an Investigational New Drug (IND)? decision tree
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Even if a clinical investigation is IDE exempt, it may still be subject to other FDA Regulations involving human subject protections, conflict of interest, and IRB requirements.

Do I need to submit an Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) application? decision tree
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NIH Funding Acknowledgment: Important - All publications resulting from the utilization of SC CTSI resources are required to credit the SC CTSI grant by including the NIH funding acknowledgment and must comply with the NIH Public Access Policy.