Regulatory Science Symposium: “Keys to a Clinical Trial: Management and Operations” Session 9 - Wrap-Up (2024)

Regulatory & Quality Sciences
Study & Site Management
Eunjoo Pacifici, PharmD, PhD

Chair and Associate Professor of Regulatory and Quality Sciences Associate Director, D. K. Kim International Center for Regulatory Science

Competencies: Pharmacy, Regulatory Science, Clinical Trial Quality, Clinical Research and Regulations, Project Management, Clinical Trials, Regulatory and Quality Sciences, Clinical Trial Workforce

Course Syllabus/Topics:

  • Resource: Keys to a Clinical Trial: Management and Operations (Resources and Definitions)
    • Can be found in the electronic binder
  • Complete program evaluation survey to receive certificate of completion
  • Thank you!

Accompanying text created by:
Roxy Terteryan, Project Administrator, SC CTSI (
Rushaanaaz Sokeechand, Student Worker

NIH Funding Acknowledgment: Important - All publications resulting from the utilization of SC CTSI resources are required to credit the SC CTSI grant by including the NIH funding acknowledgment and must comply with the NIH Public Access Policy.