Education Resource Center: Teaching, Training & Communicating with Those in Science Denial

Communication, Dissemination, & Teamwork
Gale Sinatra, PhD

Stephen H. Crocker Professor of Education, USC Rossier School of Education

Event Details

This 60-minute interactive workshop "Teaching, Training & Communicating with Those in Science Denial" is based on research by Drs. Gale Sinatra and Barbara Hofer recently published in their book Science Denial: Why It Happens and What To Do About It. Facilitators, including one of the book's authors, present the causes and effects of science denial and 3 strategies to improve our science messaging to various audiences including while teaching, training, and communicating with those in science denial. Participants will work with colleagues in breakout groups to practice making their own scientific communications more effective and relatable. Most scientific communicators have not been trained in psychology, so this workshop is recommended for any university faculty and researchers in the sciences and/or those assisting faculty in the sciences with their courses or other educational offerings and trainings. This might also be of interest to TAs and graduate students pursuing a career in science and/or science teaching, and those in science fields working in community engagement and/or with the media

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