Education Resource Center Series: Trauma-informed Teaching: Using Best Practices in Course Design to Mitigate the Effects of Trauma among Students

John Briere, PhD

Professor of Psychiatry and the Behavioral Sciences at the Keck School of Medicine and Director of the USC Adolescent Trauma Training Center of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network


In this 90-minute interactive workshop, facilitators provide research-based and experience-tested effective practices to aid participants in defining trauma, identifying the effects of trauma on learning, and tailoring course design and teaching approaches to help mitigate these effects. 

Participants will actively collaborate in breakout groups, while using the chat, and via polling to plan, accomplish, and share updates to the design and teaching of their online courses with the goal of mitigating the effects of trauma in university students. 

This workshop is recommended for university faculty and/or those assisting faculty with the design and teaching of their online courses. In particular, examples will focus on the impact of trauma on student research goals and expectations. This might also be of interest to graduate students who are TAs.  This workshop is capped at 200 participants.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this webinar, participants will be able to

  • Plan trauma-informed updates to the design and teaching of an online course

NIH Funding Acknowledgment: Important - All publications resulting from the utilization of SC CTSI resources are required to credit the SC CTSI grant by including the NIH funding acknowledgment and must comply with the NIH Public Access Policy.