Introduction to Becoming a Successful Digital Scholar

Leadership & Professionalism
Communication, Dissemination, & Teamwork

Workshop Description

In this workshop, we will provide an overview of Digital Scholarship and explore examples of scholars who have successfully used digital approaches to advance their research and careers.


Katja Reuter, PhD, director of Digital Strategies and the electronic Home program, Southern California Clinical and Translational Science Institute (SC CTSI)

Recommended Reading


Upon request, participants who complete individual workshops or the entire series will receive a certificate signed by Jonathan M. Samet, MD, MS, Distinguished Professor and Flora L. Thornton Chair, Department of Preventive Medicine, Keck School of Medicine of USC, Director, USC Institute for Global Health, Director of the SC CTSI Education, Career Development, and Ethics program, and lead instructor Katja Reuter, PhD, director of Digital Strategy and the eHome program at SC CTSI.

Please bring your computer and your phone. You will need Internet access.

We will introduce several web-based approaches to scholarship including social media tools.

NIH Funding Acknowledgment: Important - All publications resulting from the utilization of SC CTSI resources are required to credit the SC CTSI grant by including the NIH funding acknowledgment and must comply with the NIH Public Access Policy.