Regulatory Science Symposium: Legal Aspects of Conducting Clinical Trials Session 6: Liability and Indemnification (2019)

Regulatory & Quality Sciences
Study & Site Management
Research & Study Conduct
  1. Common Purpose, but Competing Perspectives
  2. Who? How Involved?
  3. When Should you Consider Transferring Risk?
  4. Are there Benefits to Transferring Risk?
  5. The Contract: A Risk Transfer Tool
  6. Start by… Identifying Potential Risks
  7. What is Indemnification?
  8. Considerations for Contractual Indemnity
  9. Think carefully before contractually agreeing to indemnity…
  10. Example: Sponsor Indemnification
  11. Conditions of Indemnification by Sponsor
  12. If the Other Party Cannot Indemnify?
  13. Research – Related Injury/ Illness
  14. Indemnification & Subject Injury
    1. Study Subject Injury Example - #1
    2. Study Subject Injury Example - #2
  15. Indemnification & Subject Injury
  16. Insurance Terms
  17. Common Problems with Insurance Terms in Contracts
  18. What if Injury Caused by Person Not a Signatory to the Clinical Trial Application (CTA)?
  19. Harmonizing Indemnity & Insurance Terms
  20. Working with Insurance – Keep Good Written Records


Accompanying text created by Ashwini Tambe | Graduate Student, Regulatory Science, USC School of Pharmacy |

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