Leverage Science Crowdfunding


Workshop Description

In this workshop, you will learn how to leverage crowdfunding to obtain seed funding. Science crowdfunding is an alternative approach that couples storytelling, fundraising, outreach and networking. Scientists in academia and the private sector have already successfully used it to supplement and substitute grants.

Participants will get an overview of various crowdfunding approaches and receive hands-on training, allowing them to apply the new knowledge to advance their specific research and career goals. The training will have a special focus on clinical and translational health sciences.

To raise seed funding, you will have the opportunity to develop a crowdfunding campaign with the Experiment team, post your campaign on the Experiment online platform and get marketing support to help achieve your funding goals.



During the workshop

  1. Defining Crowdfunding
    • Introduction: What is crowdfunding, and how does it work for science research?
    • Underlying dynamics of success and failure among crowdfunding campaigns
    • Typical projects well-suited to crowdfunding for science
    • Case studies of campaigns that have succeeded in raising substantial funds and/or creating engaging content
  2. Developing a Crowdfunding Campaign
    • Understanding the components of a crowdfunding campaign
    • Public disclosure and intellectual property rules
    • Budgeting and the all-or-nothing (AON) funding model
    • Using language for a non-scientific audience that gets people to donate
    • Understanding activity and promotion on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, etc.
    • Talking to the Press
    • What backers get in return

After the workshop

  1. Campaign video production: SC CTSI will provide video production support for all researchers and their campaign videos.
  2. Campaign marketing: Experiment and SC CTSI will collaborate to provide support to promote and increase the reach of the campaigns.

Recommended Reading

Research on Crowdfunding

Examples of Successful Crowdfunding Campaigns



Upon request, participants who complete individual workshops or the entire series will receive a certificate signed by Jonathan M. Samet, MD, MS, Distinguished Professor and Flora L. Thornton Chair, Department of Preventive Medicine, Keck School of Medicine of USC, Director, USC Institute for Global Health, Director of the SC CTSI Education, Career Development, and Ethics program, and lead instructor Katja Reuter, PhD, director of Digital Strategy and the eHome program at SC CTSI.

Please bring your computer and your phone. You will need Internet access.

We will introduce several crowdfunding platforms used for non-research applications, and then use Experiment’s platform for the hosting of the research campaigns. In addition, we will demonstrate the use of multiple social media tools used primarily for promotion of the campaigns.

NIH Funding Acknowledgment: Important - All publications resulting from the utilization of SC CTSI resources are required to credit the SC CTSI grant by including the NIH funding acknowledgment and must comply with the NIH Public Access Policy.