- People vs. Systems
- Humans have perspectives and opinions
- Technology (System Perspective)
- Hybrid-Perspective
- Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning
- Supervised learning:
- Dataset observations are labeled
- Algorithms learn to predict output from the input
- Supervised learning:
- Semi-supervised learning
- Dataset observations are unlabeled
- Algorithms learn inherent structure from the input
- Unsupervised learning
- Some dataset observations are labeled
- Most are usually unlabeled.
- A mixture of supervised and unsupervised methods are used
- Thank You!
Regulatory Science Virtual Symposium: “Emerging Technologies in the Medical Device Industry” Session 2: What is Digital/AI/Machine Learning? How is It Used? (2022)
Data Management & Informatics
Regulatory & Quality Sciences
Course Syllabus/Topics
Accompanying text created by Roxy Terteryan | RKS Project Administrator, SC CTSI atertery@usc.edu