Digital Scholar Webinar: Using the research platform TurkPrime to crowdsource data for the health sciences

Study & Site Management
Research & Study Conduct

Crowdsourcing platforms are revolutionizing research by providing a way to collect clinical and behavioral data with unprecedented speed and efficiency. This seminar explores another digital platform called TurkPrime that is designed to support research participant recruitment. TurkPrime is a relatively new panel service that allows researchers to target specific demographic groups. If you watched our previous webinar on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk, also known as MTurk, you may find it interesting that TurkPrime offers a proportional matching sampling approach rather than MTurk’s opt-in, convenience sampling approach. Tasks that can be implemented with TurkPrime include: excluding participants on the basis of previous participation, longitudinal studies, making changes to a study while it is running, automating the approval process, increasing the speed of data collection, sending bulk e-mails and bonuses, enhancing communication with participants, monitoring dropout and engagement rates, providing enhanced sampling options, and many others.


Leib Litman, PhD, Lander College, Associate Professor of Psychology; TurkPrime, Director of Research

Learning objectives

  • Understand the methodological and other advantages of using Mechanical Turk
  • Understand how TurkPrime’s Toolkit significantly expands Mechanical Turk’s functionality
  • Understand how PrimePanels helps to overcome the limitations of Mechanical Turk’s population and sampling
  • Describe the tradeoffs of using MTurk, TurkPrime, and PrimePanels

NIH Funding Acknowledgment: Important - All publications resulting from the utilization of SC CTSI resources are required to credit the SC CTSI grant by including the NIH funding acknowledgment and must comply with the NIH Public Access Policy.