Joyce Javier, MD, MPH, MS
Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, Pediatrics, and Population and Public Health Sciences Keck School of Medicine of USC Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
Dr. Joyce Javier is Director of the Building Up A Diverse Workforce for Biomedical Research program, a career development intervention designed for postdocs and junior faculty who are underrepresented in health-related sciences . She is also an instructor for an 8-week course Introduction to Clinical Translational Research Study Design, designed for residents, fellows, and junior faculty members.
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Professional Background
Dr. Joyce Javier is an Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics and Population and Public Health Sciences at CHLA/USC. In 2007, Dr. Javier works clinically as a primary care pediatrician at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and AltaMed Health Services. Dr. Javier’s research expertise focuses developing community-academic partnerships to address pediatric behavioral health disparities among immigrant populations, especially among Filipino youth. Her research has been supported by NIH grants, including the Mentored Career Development in Clinical Translational Science (KL2) award (2011-2014), a K23 award from NICHD, and a R01 award from NIMHD. She also teaches the course, “Health Disparities in the U.S.: Moving Toward Health Equity” in the USC Masters in Public Health Program.
Dr. Javier’s honors include the Health Equity Award from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Local Hero Award from the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Top 100 Influential Filipina Women in the World Award from the Filipina Women’s Network, and election to the Society for Pediatric Research.
She received her medical degree from UC Irvine and completed her pediatric residency training and academic general pediatrics fellowship training at Stanford University School of Medicine. She also received a Masters of Public Health in Epidemiology from UC Berkeley and a Masters of Science in Clinical, Biomedical, and Translational Investigation from USC.
Dr. Joyce enjoys spending time with family and her dog, dance, and crochet.