Digital Scholar Webinar: Selecting an Ecological Momentary Assessment Platform - A Tutorial for Researchers

This 60-minute webinar reviews work from the National Institute of Mental Health and Boston Children's Hospital to identify a best-fit ecological momentary assessment (EMA) platform for our research.

Research Methodology

Digital Scholar Webinar: Open Reproducible Research – Challenges and Opportunities

This presentation introduces basic concepts and issues around reproducibility. It will then provide an overview of existing tools that help researchers publish open reproducible research and which aspects users should consider when selecting the right tool…

Research Methodology

Introduction to Clinical and Translational Research: Study Population and Study Design - Session 2

This course outlines basic concepts and terminology in the design of clinical/translational research projects targeting specific populations, and discusses methods to identify useful study populations within large and diverse cities. These online video…

Research Methodology
Study Design

Introduction to Clinical and Translational Research: Clinical Data for Translational Science Research; Bioinformatics and High-Density Data - Session 3

These online video lectures describe the increasingly rich sources of health data, such as electronic health records, available for scientific investigation by clinical and translational researchers, and introduces the methods and issues surrounding their…

Research Methodology

Introduction to Clinical and Translational Research: Statistical Model and Systematic Reviews - Session 5

The first section of this session discusses the process of developing a conceptual and statistical model that can most effectively test a hypothesis. The second section describes the role of systematic reviews of research literature and the statistical…

Literature Evaluation and Synthesis
Research Methodology
Scientific Literature Search
Study Design

Introduction to Clinical and Translational Research - Session 1

This course introduces the mission and processes of Clinical and Translational Research (CTR). It demonstrates approaches to formulating and writing research questions and hypotheses appropriate to CTR. Online video lectures prepare participants for the…

Community Engagement
Research Methodology
Study Design

NIH Funding Acknowledgment: Important - All publications resulting from the utilization of SC CTSI resources are required to credit the SC CTSI grant by including the NIH funding acknowledgment and must comply with the NIH Public Access Policy.