Developing a Community Advisory Board for Research Toolkit

This toolkit is intended to assist researchers in navigating the processes of developing and establishing a community advisory board (CAB) for their research studies. Practical tips and step-by-step guidelines are provided

Research & Study Design
Communication, Dissemination, & Teamwork

Toolkit description

More and more, grant proposals are requesting researchers to ensure that they have worked with or plan to integrate the community into their research proposal.  One approach to this is to develop a community advisory board (CAB) who can provide feedback into all aspects of your research study including: 1) developing research questions; 2) developing recruitment plans; 3) reviewing study assessments or procedures; 4) discuss ethical considerations around your research; 5) provide different perspectives into the data interpretation; and/or 6) considering non-traditional dissemination methods.  This toolkit is intended to assist researchers in navigating the processes of developing and establishing a community advisory board  (CAB) for their research studies. Practical tips and step-by-step guidelines are provided.

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