Call For Applications: 2014 USC Internal Awards

Call for applications have been posted. Learn more and apply.

September 19, 2013

Awards include:

More information about the grants

The Zumberge Individual grant provides up to $25,000 in research support.  The primary purpose of the individual awards program is to help our junior colleagues and new faculty launch their scholarly research careers. It does so by providing grants that assist faculty in developing sustained research programs or serve as a stepping stone to external funding agencies for faculty that do not already have significant sponsored research programs. The Zumberge Individual grant also supports the inclusion of senior mentors to advise junior faculty as they develop their research programs. The secondary purpose of the individual awards program is to support faculty of any rank who work in fields where external funding opportunities are limited. Application deadline: January 17th, 2014

The Zumberge Multi-School Interdisciplinary grant provides seed funding of up to $85,000 for broad, collaborative research activities that are interdisciplinary and involve groups of faculty from multiple schools across USC. The priority for interdisciplinary awards is support for teams of faculty to seek an externally-funded grant on the scale of an interdisciplinary center, training grant, or program project award.  Proposals must include a plan for sustainment of longer-term collaborative research activities beyond the Zumberge award period through external funding. Application deadline: February 24th, 2014 New award amount

The USC Core Instrumentation Fund: The Core Instrumentation Fund supports acquisition of shared instrumentation that enables major research endeavors in the sciences, medicine and engineering.  In addition, the program provides matching funds to support the addition of technical staff within core laboratories.  To be considered for selection, a proposal must be submitted by the faculty member who directs the core laboratory in which the equipment is installed.  There are two types of awards:

  • Type A: Request full funding, from the university, for acquisition of equipment. Application deadline December 6th, 2013
  • Type B: Request matching funds toward acquisition of equipment. Application deadline open: proposals will be reviewed on a rolling basis

Research Collaboration Fund: The aim of Collaboration Fund Award is to support teams of faculty who aim to establish or foster a community of scholars at USC organized around a broad topic of shared interest.  Rather than fund specific research projects, the award funds the activities that help to develop this collaborative group. These activities should lay the groundwork for members of the collaborative group to create new research projects, and should contribute to strengthening the individual research programs of its members. Each collaboration should engage a large group of faculty (normally 10 or more), representing at least two schools at USC.  Funding can be for up to three years, with the possibility of competitive renewal thereafter. The grant provides up to $30,000/year; awards will be made for a three year period, subject to an annual progress review and an annual activity plan, and continued availability of funding. Application deadline: February 28, 2014

NIH Funding Acknowledgment: Important - All publications resulting from the utilization of SC CTSI resources are required to credit the SC CTSI grant by including the NIH funding acknowledgment and must comply with the NIH Public Access Policy.