SC CTSI and CHLA Educate Angelenos about Clinical Research at March for Science 2018 Expo
Representatives from SC CTSI and CHLA organized a booth at the Expo in downtown Los Angeles to discuss the importance of public participation in clinical research and to dispel misconceptions.
The SC CTSI hosted a booth at the March for Science 2018 Expo event on Saturday, April 14, at Pershing Square.
SC CTSI team members gave out information and explained how members of the community can get involved with ongoing studies and trials at USC and CHLA. They talked to the public about what it means to participate in research, its importance to science, and addressed misconceptions about research. Special thanks to the USC and CHLA volunteers that staffed the booth throughout the day: Liz Rodriguez, Lauren Whitted, Nicki Karimipour, Candice Mulder, Cynthia Cisneros, and Miles McNeeley.