SC CTSI Partners To Launch Inaugural Joint Seminar In Clinical Informatics

Speaker: Daniella Meeker, PhD, systems engineer and an associate information scientist at the RAND Corporation.

February 06, 2014

The SC CTSI and the Preventive Medicine Division of Bioinformatics are co-sponsoring the Inaugural Joint Seminar in Clinical Informatics. 

First seminar: February 20,  4-5 pm, HSC campus of USC, Zilkha Bldg (Herklotz Seminar Room)

Speaker: Daniella Meeker, PhD, is currently a systems engineer and an associate information scientist at the RAND Corporation. She is also a professor at the Pardee RAND Graduate School. Before joining RAND's research staff, she completed a post-doctoral fellowship at the RAND Bing Center for Health Economics. Meeker's current engineering research focuses on distributed architectures supporting integration of research, data analysis, and practice. Her other work includes development of collaborative platforms  for knowledge management, program evaluation, machine learning, data mining, social network analysis, and health and behavioral economics. Meeker earned her Ph.D. in computation and neural systems from the California Institute of Technology.

Daniella Meeker, PhD

For questions, please contact Kevin Barney (323) 442 4032 |

NIH Funding Acknowledgment: Important - All publications resulting from the utilization of SC CTSI resources are required to credit the SC CTSI grant by including the NIH funding acknowledgment and must comply with the NIH Public Access Policy.