SC CTSI-Supported Researcher Joyce Javier has been Featured on The Incredible Years Blog
Javier focuses on mental, emotional and behavioral health issues among immigrant populations.
Joyce Javier, MD, MPH, was recently featured on The Incredible Years Blog. Javier has attended numerous Incredible Years® group leader trainings and over the past six years she has been conducting research in Los Angeles faith-based settings with the Filipino community. Javier, a Public Health Scientist and pediatrician, has implemented the Incredible Years® programs in order to help educate the community and prevent behavioral problems in young children. The results are promising, and parents have reported significant improvement in stress levels as well as reduced behavior problems with their children. Javier's research is supported by the SC CTSI Education, Career Development, and Ethics Program (ECDE), which promotes the translation of scientific discoveries into new tools for clinical and community health.

Joyce Javier, MD, MPH
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