SC CTSI-Supported Translational Coulter Program Is Now Accepting Applications
Up to $100,000 for groundbreaking projects that solve an unmet clinical need.
The program seeks to fund groundbreaking projects that solve an unmet or underserved clinical need through the use of biomedical engineering solutions. The goal is to support the development of novel healthcare solutions for partnership with a commercial entity and investors to bring concepts to market.
- Open to: USC faculty
- Award budget: Up to $100,000 for one year
- Submission deadline for pre-proposals: January 15, 2014
- Multi-step review includes development of a full proposal and an investor pitch.
Supporters include: The USC Coulter Program is a collaborative funding program between the Wallace H. Coulter Foundation and the Biomedical Engineering Department at the Viterbi School of Engineering, the Southern California Clinical and Translational Science Institute (SC CTSI), and the USC Stevens Center for Innovation.
Questions: Please email