Digital Scholar Webinar: Advanced AI Augmented Reality for Treatment of PTSD

This 60-minute webinar shares STARC's work over the past decade on developing advanced immersive augmented reality technology.

Digital Scholar Webinar: Selection And Utilization of Wearables for Biosensing in Clinical, Laboratory, And Naturalistic Settings - Lana Ruvolo Grasser

In this 2-hour workshop, participants reflect on professional time management. They'll develop personal systems for time and boundary control through activities and discussions, exploring strategies for better management.

Digital Scholar Webinar: HIV and STI Protection through UBESAFE - Geofencing, Contextualized Messages, and Gamification

Join our 60-min webinar on UBESAFE app: Learn smartphone alerts based on context, gamification for engagement.

Digital Scholar Webinar: Power - Modern Clinical Trial Marketplace

This 60-minute webinar discusses how Power's clinical trial marketplace platform improves patient recruitment by enabling direct connections between patients, sites, and sponsors through a patient-centric, continuous collaboration model, moving away from…

Digital Scholar Webinar: Selecting an Ecological Momentary Assessment Platform - A Tutorial for Researchers

This 60-minute webinar reviews work from the National Institute of Mental Health and Boston Children's Hospital to identify a best-fit ecological momentary assessment (EMA) platform for our research.

Research Methodology

Digital Scholar Webinar: Digital Tools for Scaled-Up Qualitative Research

Explore the rationale behind this approach and witness its practical application through empirical examples.

Qualitative Research

Digital Scholar Webinar: Getting Started with Dedoose for Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research

This 60-minute webinar will give you an orientation to Dedoose, a qualitative and mixed methods data analysis application. Join Dedoose's Director of Academic Engagement, Dr. Sara Grummert, as she walks you through Dedoose and its collaborative functionality.

Digital Scholar Webinar: Effective Research Writing - Getting Started and Tips for Successful Collaborations

During this 60-minute webinar, we feature a panel of six productive scholars, ranging from graduate students to professors, who offer tips and strategies for effective research writing.

Medical Writing

NIH Funding Acknowledgment: Important - All publications resulting from the utilization of SC CTSI resources are required to credit the SC CTSI grant by including the NIH funding acknowledgment and must comply with the NIH Public Access Policy.