Digital Scholar Webinar: Disseminating Scientific Papers via Twitter: Practical Insights and Research Evidence

The course provides an overview of Altmetrics research and present the challenges – including methods and first results – of classifying Twitter user groups, with a particular focus on identifying members of the general public and measuring societal impact.…

Dissemination of Science

Digital Scholar Webinar: Social Media and the 21st-Century Scholar: How Researchers Can Harness Social Media to Amplify Their Career

This webinar will highlight successful case studies that show how scientists and scholars might use social media to enhance their careers and outline five key steps scientists can follow to build and manage your scholarly presence online.

Scientific Communication
Dissemination of Science
Online Profile Building

Digital Scholar Webinar: How Researchers Can Get Science Done Faster Using an R&D Services Marketplace

Watch this webinar to learn how the Science Exchange R&D Services Marketplace can empower researchers to outsource experiments and attract collaborators. Success stories will show how scientists in diverse research areas have used Science Exchange to save…


Digital Scholar Webinar: Utilization of Twitter by early career women in academic medicine and science: Suggestions for developing a Twitter network

This webinar will highlight different ways of using Twitter for professional development to obtain the support women in academic medicine and science are otherwise lacking.

Scientific Communication
Dissemination of Science

Introduction to Becoming a Successful Digital Scholar

In this workshop, we will provide an overview of Digital Scholarship and explore examples of scholars who have successfully used digital approaches to advance their research and careers.

Scientific Communication
Research Participant Recruitment
Dissemination of Science
Online Profile Building
Reputation Management

NIH Funding Acknowledgment: Important - All publications resulting from the utilization of SC CTSI resources are required to credit the SC CTSI grant by including the NIH funding acknowledgment and must comply with the NIH Public Access Policy.