Digital Scholar Webinar: Social Media as a Platform for Health Behavior Change

Social media as a platform for health behavior change: lessons learned from the CAN Quit (Connecting Alaska Native People to Quit Smoking) study

Scientific Communication
Social Media/Internet Research
Reputation Management

Digital Scholar Webinar: Effective Use of Academic and Social Media Networks for Endorsing your Publication

This webinar will give a detailed overview of the recommended strategies for effective research promotion on academic and social media platforms and optimizing visibility of the published articles.

Scientific Communication

Digital Scholar Webinar: MedEdPORTAL, a Peer-Reviewed Journal and Online Resource for Teaching and Learning Resources

This webinar will introduce a MEDLINE-indexed, open-access journal that allows researchers to leverage existing digital educational materials from other institutions and to get scholarly credit for those materials they share.

Scientific Communication
Dissemination of Science

Digital Scholar Webinar: A method to develop a comic based on your research: From scientists, for scientists, and beyond.

This webinar will describe a simple, flexible framework for translating a complex scientific publication into a broadly accessible comic format.

Scientific Communication
Dissemination of Science

Digital Scholar Webinar: Digital strategies to find the right journal for publishing your research

This webinar will provide an overview of digital tools and initiatives that help researchers select the right journal for their manuscript to ensure the best chance of article acceptance.

Scientific Communication
Dissemination of Science

Digital Scholar Webinar: Social Media and the 21st-Century Scholar: How Researchers Can Harness Social Media to Amplify Their Career

This webinar will highlight successful case studies that show how scientists and scholars might use social media to enhance their careers and outline five key steps scientists can follow to build and manage your scholarly presence online.

Scientific Communication
Dissemination of Science
Online Profile Building

Digital Scholar Webinar: Creating an Effective Study Recruitment Webpage

This webinar will provide practical guidance on using the USC Clinical Studies Directory publishing tool to create a study webpage and on developing effective content so that your study can be found and read.

Scientific Communication
Research Participant Recruitment

NIH Funding Acknowledgment: Important - All publications resulting from the utilization of SC CTSI resources are required to credit the SC CTSI grant by including the NIH funding acknowledgment and must comply with the NIH Public Access Policy.