Digital Scholar Webinar: HIV and STI Protection through UBESAFE - Geofencing, Contextualized Messages, and Gamification

Antonio Perez Navarro, PhD

Professor Agregat IT, Multimedia and Telecommunications Department, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

About the Webinar

Join our 60-min webinar on UBESAFE app: Learn smartphone alerts based on context and gamification for engagement. For MSM, it values privacy, tested in Barcelona by Dr. Antoni Perez-Navarro and Dr. Felipe A. Besoaín-Pino with support from the Public Health Agency of Barcelona.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:

• Select the pertinent sensors in smartphones for data collection.
• Balance the requirements of the target users and professionals to create a successful app.
• Plan the development process for the app, ensuring the inclusion of target users from the initial stages.

DSW - HIV and STI Protection through UBESAFE flyer
Click image to view flyer

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