Career Development Seminar Series: Advancing Well - Building Resilience and Well-being in the CT Workforce
This 2-hour interactive session focuses on building resilience in yourself and your trainees. We will provide practical tips on how to lead in times of uncertainty and how to foster resilience in the workforce.
Digital Scholar Webinar: Giving Back: Strategies for Effectively Communicating Results Back to Research Participants
Digital Scholar Webinar: Giving Back: Strategies for Effectively Communicating Results Back to Research Participants
Career Development Seminar Series: I Want to Translate My Research, How Can Industry Help Me? - Terri Sebree - Mar. 1 2022
CDSS - I Want to Translate My Research, How Can Industry Help Me? - Terri Sebree - Mar. 1 2022
Digital Scholar Webinar: Social Media as a Platform for Health Behavior Change
Social media as a platform for health behavior change: lessons learned from the CAN Quit (Connecting Alaska Native People to Quit Smoking) study