
Digital & Traditional Tools for Recruitment Toolkit

Price: Free

This toolkit contains proven strategies and tips to help researchers develop a solid plan to recruit and retain study participants.


Education Resource Center (ERC)

Price: Free

The Education Resource Center (ERC) provides consultations on best practices for the design, facilitation/dissemination, and evaluation of educational offerings for faculty and others who facilitate trainings in person and online related to clinical and translational research.


First-time NIH R01 Application Submission Counseling

Price: Free

This service is offered to investigators who are submitting their first research project grant (R01) to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).


Geospatial Social and Environmental Data

Price: See below for more info

Access census-tract data to power research on social and environmental determinants of health


Guide To Clinical Research at USC

Price: Free

The purpose of this Guide and the corresponding ancillary documents is to provide a clear, user-friendly overview of conducting human studies research at USC and the Keck School of Medicine. The audience for these materials is investigators and research personnel at USC and the Keck School of Medicine. Updated July 2024.


Healthcare Delivery Science Consultations

Price: Free


K12 Program Development Support

Price: Free

Research-related training programs are essential in developing a qualified research workforce at USC and beyond.


Mentored Career Development in Clinical and Translational Science Program (KL2) Advisement

Price: Free

The Mentored Career Development in Clinical and Translational Science (KL2) is a three-year program created to support research career development for health professionals or individuals with research doctoral degrees who wish to pursue formal training and a career in clinical and translational research.


Mobile and Connected Health Research Support

Price: Free

Helping investigators, research team members, and clinicians take advantage of new technologies at the bedside, in the clinic or in the field, with real-time observations and interventions, and new research designs.

Self Service Tool

New Study Navigation Tool

Price: Free

This tool will help you determine where to go to activate your clinical research study at USC, including contracting offices, review committees, and ancillary services.


Qualitative Research Support

Price: Starts at $125/hour

Providing expertise in designing and conducting qualitative research


Quality by Design

Price: Free

[Quality by Design services page under construction]


Regulatory Knowledge & Support

Price: Starts at $150/hour

Expert support for faculty with new grants, small business innovative research grants, and start-up companies


Research Career Development Educational Counseling

Price: Free

The SC CTSI provides educational offering advisement to those clinicians, post-doctoral fellows, residents, students and research staff who are seeking research education.

NIH Funding Acknowledgment: Important - All publications resulting from the utilization of SC CTSI resources are required to credit the SC CTSI grant by including the NIH funding acknowledgment and must comply with the NIH Public Access Policy.