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Developing Culturally Tailored Research and Health Solutions

Developing Culturally Tailored Research and Health Solutions

SC CTSI’s KL2 Scholar Joyce R. Javier, MD, MPH, assistant professor of clinical pediatrics, Keck School of Medicine of USC and primary care pediatrician, CHLA, focuses on the prevention of mental, emotional, and behavioral health issues among immigrant populations, particularly …

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New Concussion Guidelines for Young Athletes

New Concussion Guidelines for Young Athletes

Much of the public is aware that head injuries are a major problem for many athletes. USC neurosurgeon Gabriel Zada, MD, assistant professor of clinical neurological surgery, Keck School of Medicine of USC, is conducting studies about the effect of concussions on the brain. Zada…

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Understanding Chronic Swelling of Arms After Breast Cancer Surgery

Understanding Chronic Swelling of Arms After Breast Cancer Surgery

“For most people reconstructive surgery is a full time job. But I wanted to also pursue research. SC CTSI’s KL2 program provided me with the protected timeI needed to get my research career started.” Alex K. Wong, MD, assistant professor of clinical surgery, Keck School of Medic…

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